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“Flight Junkies is the reason that I’m a very happy Paramotor pilot today and flying every chance I get. Kurt was kind enough to advise me from the start about which type of equipment to buy, with no pressure at all to buy from him. My budget forced me to look for used equipment, and so when I found a used motor for sale online, Kurt called the seller for me to make sure it was a solid motor, and to avoid the many risks that new students have when buying used gear online. Once it came time for instruction, I bought a plane ticket for Kurt and he flew to my hometown and we had the best time training. He’s sincere about the whole teaching for free thing – he loves seeing new students get totally hooked on flying and that’s pay enough for him. He’s a natural instructor and I can’t wait for next summer when he’s coming back for a visit and to teach me some more advanced flying skills.”
Mike Eudenbach
Newport, RI