“I’ve always been enthusiastic about things aeronautical, having a private pilots license since my teens and having made 117 skydives during my late 40’s. Also, watching my youngest son Jerry foot launch several PPG flights caused my aeronautical juices to flow with enthusiasm, but I am, after all, now 76 years old. I wanted to get up there, but just how fast and how far do you think a 76-year-old guy can run? Add to that a 90 pound roaring machine on my back. There was little doubt I was condemned to spend my remaining days on the ground looking up at others.
Enter Captain Kurt Fister, an old personal friend and his revolutionary device called a “FLY POD.” Now, even an old geezer can soar like an eagle with these enabling wheels and a seat under him. Kurt’s excellent instructions left little to chance, and his positive reinforcement helped me to see that I could do this. The take-off roll was exciting, the lift off was smooth and steady, and the flight in general was exhilarating even throughout the final approach and greased-on landing. Kurt’s instructions through the helmet radio made it seem he was sitting next to me and was very reassuring. All in all this was an incredible experience.
Geezers of the world… unite. We can still take back the skies.”
– Jim Jones (Flight Junkie 684)