“Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are fortunate enough to be one of the people who heed this advice before you decide to buy, you can consider yourself as one of the extremely lucky potential buyers of Powered Paragliding equipment from Flight Junkies. Please don’t even touch the phone or the keyboard, concerning the purchase of your equipment, until you have taken the time to listen to my story.
It’s sad (boohoo) only because I didn’t know about Kurt and Flight Junkies until it was too late. Hopefully, it will save you from the same terrible experiences and loss of money that I encountered.
Please keep in mind that I weigh 265 lbs. I was assured by the first “SUPER” dealer that the equipment he was selling me could “easily launch” from my elevation of 7000 ft. ASL.
This was TOTAL BUNK but, how was I to know he was giving me a line of lies? His web site still rates a pilot weight maximum of 500 lbs. The Trike/engine and wing combination I ended up with would probably be difficult to launch at Death Valley on a cold day.
Oh, by the way, the dealer sold me the package with his “SUPER” engine included.
This wonderful piece of gear gave me an engine out on both of my first test flights. (resulting in engine failure because of seizure of the piston)! He then sent me smaller version of the engine to replace the original. The replacement engine is less powerful than the original and never did posses the power required to safely get me in the air, at even 1700 ft. ASL.
This “SUPER” guy then proceeds to inform me that all of the original engine type he just sold me were having this kind of trouble, were junk and as such would not be sold by him in the future! .
He actually had the nerve to admit that he had sold me a defective engine but he would be a good guy and replace it with the smaller, less powerful, less expensive unit than the original. I, like a lot of other trusting people out there, listened to the claims of the first dealer I dealt with. Oh, he promised that his special “SUPER” equipment was capable of performing “SUPER” aviation feats of glory.
He then recommended an instructor who turned out to be so busy promoting his Florida based fly-in whilst attempting to train one student ( a foot launcher ) and myself (a Trike student) while in the process of moving back to Florida at the same time. (Capt. John Black) This basically resulted in handing over my training money, $1500.00, and getting absolutely nothing in return. Well, in all honesty, I have to admit he did teach me how to put a hole in my wing and bend the forward landing gear on my Trike. When asked how he planned to at least follow through with the training I had paid for, he professed to be a gentleman and said he would be in my area several times a year and would contact me about my training during one of his visits. Haven’t seen nor heard from him since.!
$1500.00 plus what I had to pay in damages to the wing and Trike, about another $300.00 to $400.00. All for the “privilege” of “training” from this guy?
Wow! Unbelievable! There!
I have completely vented my spleen and appreciate those Folks that were willing to take the time to read this whole odyssey. Thanks so much.
Now, for the happy part.
I was actually beginning to believe there was something wrong with me, other than the weight problem, and that perhaps I just was neither mentally nor physically capable of fulfilling my lifelong dream of flying.
Another instructor, out of Las Vegas, told me to call a friend of a friend of a friend and find where he got his equipment and how he liked it.
By the way, the instructor from Las Vegas was fabulous and attempted everything in his arsenal to get me in the air but, the “Super” outfit wasn’t even capable of safely getting me off the ground at Las Vegas elevation (1700 ft.)
I contacted the friend of a friend of a friend and he told me he was so happy and pleased with the care and expertise Flight Junkies had provided, along with the superior quality of their products, that “he wouldn’t even consider dealing with anyone else”.
He went on and on about how Mr. Kurt Fister (owner of Flight Junkies inc.) had shown him how to fly safely, successfully and confidently and felt anyone not going to Kurt first would be making a huge mistake.
I contacted Kurt and he came to my place and trained me with such professionalism, patience and expertise that I too would recommend no one else for the job.
The Trike, motor and wing combination we selected are absolutely fantastic!
The quality and workmanship of the unit is unsurpassed and was so well suited to my needs that I got into the air, flew and landed perfectly on the first try. This combination literally yanked me into the air, on take-off. I am thrilled with my new outfit and will be flying it until I can’t fly any more.
Kurt is an extremely straight shooting, no BS kind of guy. He won’t try to sell you something he doesn’t truly believe is best for you. He will give you the best training on the planet and all it will cost is the price of a plane ticket and an old Army cot for a while (Kurt has been known to sleep in tents, if need be).
In all seriousness, Folks, if you don’t see Kurt before you buy, you are doing yourself a great injustice and will more than likely be writing a letter just like this one, in the near future.
I promise you won’t regret it.”
–David K. Workman, Utah