“I first spoke with Capt. Kurt Fister while looking for training in the sport of powered paragliding. I noticed his website that mentioned “Free Training” so I gave him a call. Kurt said he would come to my location and train me for the cost of his transportation whether I purchased from him or not but he wanted the opportunity to tell me about the finest powered paraglider in the business – the Fresh Breeze. I had found a competitors paraglider and motor on eBay and was about to purchase it by Kurt warned me about the model that I was choosing. He said this particular model was so heavy and overbuilt that I would be the joke of any major fly-in if I decided to show my face to fly. I spoke with Kurt for about an hour and ended up purchasing the largest, most powerful unit Fresh Breeze sells, as I like to have more power than necessary and I weigh about 225 lbs. Kurt actually talked me out of many options that would have increased his sale but he said I didn’t need them on this unit.Training began about a month later as Kurt arrived in Little Rock for my first round of training. Kurt is very intense with his training schedule and you must be prepared to work when he comes to town. He made sure that I was comfortable with “kiting” the wing during the first of my three days training. Kurt put my motor together, ran it for the first time and test flew it to show me how it was done. During the third day of training, I had an accident with my wing that ended the training session as the wing would have to be sent off for repairs. I believe Kurt was more upset that I didn’t fly during that first three days than I was. A month later, Kurt came back for his second set of Southern cooking and three days of training and I was able to make my first flight during this session. I traveled to Kurt’s hometown in Ohio and spent a week working with Kurt and doing some extra training and attended my first fly-in at the end of that week in Toledo. A fellow showed up with the same unit I was about to buy on eBay and just as Kurt said everyone made fun of him for the type of unit he was flying.Kurt is the only guy in the United States that trains for free. This doesn’t make him popular with other dealers that make a lot of money training but it is good for you and me. He will steer you in the right direction with the purchase of new equipment and with training. I have made two trips in the last year with one way drive times of 12 an 18 hours each to enjoy this sport with Kurt and plan to have hundreds of hours of incredible flying as a result of training with Kurt. You are welcome to contact me for a personal referral at (501) 282-4430.”
— David Taylor