“To those of you thinking of getting into this incredible sport…
Look NO FURTHER than Capt. Kurt At Flightjunkies!
I was at a place where I wasn’t sure what to believe when it came to the purchase of equipment or training. I wanted the best in both.
And everybody out there Claimed “Their unit was the best” and how the “Pros were flying their equipment”
As a military flight instructor , I did tons of research and talked with ALOT of PPG pilots.
I can’t tell you how many pilots kept telling me….”Go….Talk to Capt. Kurt at Flightjunkies”
They said all said… “This guy is a straight shootin NO-Bullshit kind of guy.” He’s The Best there is!
They also said he trains completely FREE!!!
I had no Idea how he could possibly offer training for FREE. I assume there was a catch. But it was all true!!! There was NO catch, period!
In short , I ended up purchasing a Fresh Breeze and Training with The Capt. At Flightjunkies.
To say the equipment is the highest quality is an extreme understatement!
My motor started Literally on the First pull right out of the box!!!
It was lightweight, strong, smooth running and even quieter than I imagined from what everyone had told me about. Incredible Quality!!!
The Training was amazing!!! Capt. Kurt pays such attention to detail and explains so much to the student. There were 4 of us in training at the same time, and we all were flying by the second and third day. You would swear you were in Boot Camp… he will work you like a dog.
He is one hard instructor. All 4 of us agreed the guy really lives, eats, sleeps and breaths PPG. Not to mention one of the funniest son-of-a-guns you will ever meet. You cant help but love the guy!
Now I know why a few other dealers out there kinda don’t like him. LOL
He offers Better Training that’s FREE, Trains in all 50 states! Actually Knows what he’s doing. And has the Best equipment you can buy!
My experience with Capt. Kurt and Flightjunkies has been 100% Positive. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I trained with Flightjunkies and purchased a Fresh Breeze.
Now that I have been in the sport, I see the problems out there that he warned me about in the beginning. He was 100% right!!! Folks seriously, Don’t make a purchase till you talk to Capt. Kurt,
He’s a straight shooter from the word go!”
Capt. Andrew Davis