Frequently Asked Questions
Powered paraglider (ppg) is the smallest simplest powered aircraft in the world and the easiest to learn to fly. Using a paraglider wing ensures safety and inherent stability, while the engine adds autonomy and freedom. Control is very easy; simply pull the right hand brake to turn right, the left to turn left and pull both at five feet above the ground to glide in for a gentle landing. Legislation: In the USA, no license is required.
If you have any other questions or comments, please email or call today at 1-330-554-9194.
How does the paraglider inflate?
There are two methods to inflate the wing:
Forward – with the wing behind you in low wind conditions, you run and
pull the wing up using your speed to inflate.
Reverse – with pilot facing the wing we use light winds to inflate and
pull up the paraglider.
How do you steer the powered paraglider?
Control is very easy. Simply pull the right handle to turn right, the
left handle to turn left and pull both at five feet above the ground to
stop with a gentle landing. Squeeze the throttle to climb and release
it to glide back down.
How high can the powered paraglider fly?
The world record for the powered paraglider is 18,000 feet. The majority
of flying is between 150 and 300 feet above the ground.
How low can the powered paraglider fly?
The unique aspect of the powered paraglider is the fact the wing is some
distance above the pilot. This allows flight at ground level from 10 inches
up. (This cannot be done safely with any other aircraft in the world.)
How long can a flight last on one tank of gas?
Up to three hours.
Do I need a license?
No, there is no license required for this sport.
What type of gas do you use?
The same gas you use in your car mixed with 2 stroke oil.
How fast does the paraglider fly?
The speed varies with the type of paralgider used but will be between
17 and 28 miles per hour.
How far do you have to run to get airborne?
In light wind conditions (0 to 4 mph), you have to run 5 to 15 feet. With
stronger winds (5 to 10 mph) you have to run 1 to 5 feet.
How far can I fly?
The distance varies with the conditions of the day, but up to 40 miles
is possible.
What happens if the engine stops?
The engine is only used to go up. At any time you can shut off the motor
and land safely because you are flying with an open parachute that can
glide up to 8 feet forward with only one foot down (8 to 1 glide ratio).
What do the engines weigh and do I carry the weight?
The engines vary from 33 lbs to 65 lbs. The weight is carried by the pilot
only until the wing is inflated and then the weight is burdened by the
Is it possible to take a friend up with me?
No, have your friend get his own powered paraglider.
How long does it take to learn to fly a powered paraglider?
Most students can solo in a few days. The majority of training is done
on the ground learning to control the wing. The actual flying is so easy
that any person can control the powered paraglider once in flight.
Can you restart the paramotor in flight?
Yes, these new engines (top 80, Simonini) come with very high energy ignitions,
that make starting very easy with a small tug on the pulll starter rope.
You can stop the engine and soar and then restart anytime you like.
How safe are these paraglider wings?
The modern paraglider is built and tested with loads up to 15 times greater
than can be exerted during flight. The type of paraglider used with an
engine is a DHV 1 one or standard rated glider that will continue to fly
without pilot input.
Does equipment type differ for different size pilots?
Yes, the weight ratings of the wing and the engine thrust are very important
to the size and weight of the pilot. Think about this before buying used
equipment. Talk to your instructor before making equipment decisions.
Where can I fly the powered paraglider?
Anywhere that is not populated with a lot of houses or people. They are
also prohibited within 5 miles from an airport.
Is the powered paraglider safe?
As all air sports, it has it’s risky aspect, but as the pilot hangs from
an open parachute, this makes it inherently safer than all other airplanes.
Are there times and conditions when I cannot fly?
Yes, the fact that you are flying a very light airplane means that you
are limited to light wind conditions up to 10 mph and morning and late
afternoon flying. The mid-day skys are generally too rough to enjoy this
type of flying. The exception to this is beach flying where you can fly
all day long as the air is not disturbed by the ocean as much as it is
by land.
How maneuverable are they?
This airplane can fly sideways, backwards, turn on it’s own axis and fly
close to the ground endlessly. You can take off in 1 foot and land on
1 foot in certain wind conditions. There is no other aircraft in the world
that can do this!
How do you transport the powered paraglider?
Most ppg’s break down in very small packages and can fit in the average
car trunk. This break down takes 5 minutes and can be reassembled in 5
How long to the time I get to my take off site does it take to launch?
Anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes.
What other names are the powered paraglider called?
Powered paragliding; paramotoring (common name in Europe) Paraglider:
Wing, glider, chute
How do I get started if I want to fly a powered paraglider?
Pick up the phone now and call Capt. Kurt Fister at 330-554-9194!
It is vital that you have the right combination of Paramotor and glider tailored
to suit your body weight. Safety is paramount and training is a must! We offer FREE TRAINING – call for details – 1-330-554-9194. Out of state? Can’t find training? We’ll bring the training to you. Call for details.