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As the name EAZY suggests, takeoff is easy! For simplicity, the `EAZY-Launch´ technique will help you learn to feel and understand your glider during the first stage of learning and ensure flawless launch technique as you progress. ‘AirDesign Comfort in Flight’ is becoming reknowned throughout all the gliders in our range. The pilot who is in control feels relaxed and confident. The outstanding stability of the EAZY and the ease with which any turbulence is absorbed will help you enjoy stress free flying. The long brake travel is very forgiving and pressure progressive. For landing just a strong flare is needed to land accurately every time. Pitch and roll stability is not coincidental since EAZY was developed based on the profiles of the successful PURE and VOLT. The combination of stability, trim speed and outstanding performance, make it easy to fly the EAZY with full contol and maximise your flight time in all conditions.
Design Details
- EAZY Launch Technique with the A-Riser
To take-off grab the A-risers between the ‘EAZY LAUNCH’ marks, this is a little but lower than may be considered ‘normal’ to some pilots. This position prevents the canopy from collapsing if you pull too hard on the A-risers and makes take-off simple every time, especially for students or beginners
- Big Ears
The A-lines for big ears are attached to separate risers. The marking ‘ EAR’ make them easy to find.
- B-Stall
The B-risers are marked with a bold ` B ´, to make sure the right ones are used.
- RAC – Riser Antitwist Connection
This is a webbing link which connects the B and C risers. This webbing prevents the risers from twisting and simplifies sorting out the risers and lines.
- 3-Hangpoint Risers
The risers of the EAZY have three main riser connection, A, B, and C. Only the outer A-line is attached separately for big ears. The risers are designed with many of the features developed for our performance gliders but retain a simplicity that helps you during the first steps into our sport. RazorEdge
- The precise trailing edge sail cutting results in a very clean surface which improves the glide substantially.
3D-Cut und Nose-Wire
- A 3D-sailcut incorporated in the important ‘nose’ area of the glider profile and nylon-rods instead of mylar combine to provide an extremely clean leading edge and improve the flight behaviour and performance.
- The advantage of the nylon-rods as opposed to mylar is a cleaner profile. The flexible rods absorb much of the punishment suffered by the leading edge during the early stages of learning and can be replaced if needs be. This ensures that the flight and takeoff behaviour stay the same over a long period of time.
Brake Gathering & Brake Shifting
- To improve braking efficiency we have incorporated a brake-gathering system in the outer brakes. This makes the glider more agile whilst at the same time keeping the travel long and forgiving.
- The long brake pulley webbing makes it easy to influence the turn behaviour. If you slide your inside hand towards yourself, the EAZY turns tighter and with more bank. If you push the brake away from you, the glider turns flatter and you have a better climb. We call this brake-shifting.
Additional Design Details
- Neoprene covered comfort-brake-handles with swivels – adjustable in size
- High-quality materials from leading manufacturers, Dominico, Edelrid and Liros ensure for a long lifespan.
- Openings in the trailing edge at the tips to remove debris.
- The center point of the wing is marked at the leading and trailing edges.